“Silence,” directed by the Academy-award-winning directorMartin Scorsese, filtered wonderful landscapes to be set into the classical movie on the north coast shore. In this movie, a great number of scenes were shot in Sanzhi and Jinshan area, famous for its breath taking views on the north coast shore. This movie has been put on the show since February 17 in major cities in Taiwan. The North Coast and GuanyinshanNational Scenic Area Administrationinvited all to look for these sites where the movie has been filmed. As long as you leave a message on the website of the North Coast andGuanyinshanNationalScenic Area Administration, indicating the whereabouts of these names of the landscapes that have appeared in the movie of “Silence,” and then tag two people to share your discovery, you will have the chance to win the hot spring coupon for two people that is worth of 1000 NT. Please go to the North Coastand GuanyinshanNational Scenic AreaAdministration’s FB website to take part in the activities.
For detailed information, please look at 【FB NorthGuanAdministration–Fortunate North Coast Shore】:https://www.facebook.com/northguan
Or you can go to the official website of North Coast and Guanyinshan National Scenic AreaAdministrationat:http://www.northguan-nsa.gov.tw/