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Jinshan and Wanli’s hot springs win the Golden Hot Spring Awards’ grand prize - Perfect Hot Spring Prize from the MOTC

In promotion of Taiwan’s quality hot springs, the Ministry of Transport and Communications has been holding marketing events annually. This year (2021), a “hot spring marketing take-off ceremony,” hot-spring public talks, and convenience-store shopping prize draws were held. A selection event of the hot spring community’s highest honor - the Golden Hot Spring Awards - also took place. After members of the public and experts contributed their votes, Jiaoxi, Taishan, and Jinshan and Wanli secured the top three places and were given the Perfect Hot Spring Prize.

Taiwan Hot Springs

Jinshan and Wanli’s hot springs


Jinshan and Wanli’s hot springs

Jinshan and Wanli’s hot springs

Last updated:2021-07-05
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