The award-winning film this time was titled "The Crown In An Adventure" and part of a promotion film series from Northguan National Scenic Area. The film was inspired by the movie "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." It tells the story of an office worker, who is under heavy pressure from reality and work. He travels through time and space from the office, travels to the Crown Coast, immerses himself in the natural scenery along the coast and the mountains, enjoys various itineraries and delicacies, and experiences encounters that have never occurred in his life.
The locations showcased in the film include Zhongjiao Bay International Surfing Base, Fisherman’s Wharf Sunset, Bali Sunset, Wanta Bike Path, Fuguijiao Lighthouse, Keelung Miaokou Night Market, Heping Island Geopark and other Crown Coast attractions. The film introduces the audience to the unique cultural customs and natural landscape of the Crown Coast within a short period of time.
"The Crown In An Adventure"Link
The international promotion video for the Crown Coast Tourist Circle received the Golden City Gate Award at the 2023 Berlin International Travel Exhibition
The Golden City Gate Award at the 2023 Berlin International Travel Exhibition
The Crown Coast Tourist Circle