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Crown Coast Creative Video and Audio Competition Offering a Prize of up to NT$80,000 and a Chance to Win a Free Trip

The Crown Coast will (TENSE) hold a short video and audio creative tour competition in October with big cash prizes. Creators at home and abroad are welcome to present works. The competition is divided into domestic and international groups (limited to foreign nationals in Taiwan). All participants and voters have a chance to win big prizes or free travel.

This short video and audio creative travel competition is divided into domestic and international groups. Participants make 1 to 3 minute audio and video works based on the content of their trip to the Crown Coast. There is no limit to the number of submissions per person. Works must comply with competition rules. The event is divided into competition awards and voting awards. The top three submissions in the competition award receive NT$80,000, NT$30,000 and NT$10,000. The winner of the voting award in the domestic and foreign groups each receive up to NT$10,000. Voters will also have the opportunity to win special products in the tourist area, free tours or package tickets.

The submission period for the Creative Audio and Video Competition is October 1st to October 30th. Each entry must be 100% sourced from the Crown Coast and include at least 2 Crown Coast special stores or attractions. All works that meet the rules will be published on the official website for the public to browse, and voting will take place from November 15 to 30. The winner will be announced on the official website on December 1, where all competition rules are published. For more information, please refer to the official event website.



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Last updated:2023-10-18
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  • Office (Baisha Bay Visitor Center)
  • No.33-6, Xiayuankeng, Demao Village, Shimen District, New Taipei City, 25341 googlemap
  • Phone: 886-2-8635-5100
  • Fax: 886-2-2636-6675
  • Sanzhi Visitor Center
  • No.164-2, Putoukeng, Puping Village, Sanzhi District, New Taipei City, 25245 googlemap
  • Phone: 886-2-8635-5143
  • Fax: 886-2-8635-3748
  • Jinshan Visitor Center (Yehliu Service station)
  • No.171-2, Huanggang Rd., Jinshan District, New Taipei City, 20844 googlemap
  • Phone: 886-2-2498-8980
  • Fax: 886-2-2498-5290
  • Yehliu Visitor Center
  • No.167-1, Gangdong Rd., Yehliu village, Wanli District, New Taipei City, 20744 googlemap
  • Phone: 886-2-2492-2016
  • Fax: 886-2-2492-4519
  • Heping Island Visitor Center
  • No.360, Ping 1st Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Keelung City, 20247 googlemap
  • Phone: 886-2-2463-5452
  • Fax: 886-2-2463-6987
  • Guanyinshan Visitor Center (Guanyinshan Service station)
  • No.130, Sec. 3, Lingyun Rd., Wugu District, New Taipei City, 24844 googlemap
  • Phone: 886-2292-8888
  • Fax: 886-2-2291-9444
  • Jhongjiao Bay Visitor Center
  • No. 180-3, Haixing Rd., Jinshan Dist., New Taipei City,208003 googlemap
  • Phone: 886-2-2408-2319



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