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Times of Rocks in Yehliu - A Night-time Visit to the Queen’s Head

Times of Rocks in Yehliu - A Night-time Visit to the Queen’s Head

Festival Info

  • Date:April
  • Venue:Yehliu Geopark

Yehliu Geopark is open to night-time visits now, and this makes it truly unique. “Time of Rocks in Yehliu” uses colorful light and music to highlight the area’s mushroom rocks. Visitors can expect enjoy an indelible experience at the park.


Visiting Queen’s Head at night

The organizer commissioned music artists to write a theme song to present the rocks of Yehliu. The light that goes with the music turns Yehliu into a precious destination at night. All members of the public are invited to immerse in the charming “Symphony of Time of Rocks” amidst waves, rocks, light and music!

Queen’s Head Music Concerts

Famous performing groups and musicians will dedicate their shows at Queen’s Head Music Concerts held on weekends during the activity period. Visitors can feel the caressing breezes while listening to music. What a wonderful combination of coastal views and music.

Last Update:2019-06-10
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