Jinbaoli Old Trail, also known as Yulu Old Trail, is the most popular old trail of Yangmingshan National Park. The trail attracts visitors for the history it contains. In the 29th year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, fishermen walked this trail to Shilin to sell fish across hills and mountains. They did this day after day and generations after generations. Stories are many about the fish vendors and merchants traveling to and fro to make a living. Although the trail has long lost its economic value, it is a cultural, leisurely old trail of Yangmingshan today.
Travel Info
- Add:Yangjin Highway.,(Dayoukeng-Bayan)
- Opening Hours:24 hours
- Credit Card:No
Traffic Info
- Royal Bus:Tel:0800-551-687、886-2-8295-7022
- Keelung Bus:Tel: 0800-588-010、886-2- 2432-3185、886-2-2433-6111
- Danshui Bus(Tamsui Bus):Tel: 0800-002-277、886-2- 2621-3340