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Shu Tong Yiao

This store, located on the Old Street in Jinshan, specializes in making and selling delicious products out of the famous local specialty of yam (sweet potato).  The variety is beyond imagination, making this plain-looking, nutritious, healthful food so much more attractive.  Specialties like “Honey-stewed Yam,” “Red-heart Yam Chips,” and others have made themselves favorite souvenirs, as well as snacks which visitors like to bring home to enjoy at leisure.

Business Information



Web:Shu Tong Yiao

Add:No.62, Jinbaoli Street, Jinshan District, New Taipei City

Opening Hours:Mon~Fri 9:00-19:00 / Sat~Sun 9:00-20:00

Travel Map

Last Update:2018-01-09
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