Hengshan Terraces My Recommendations 15 Photo Topic tag Hiking ToursFamily TripsCountryside Scenery Audio Guide 你的瀏覽器不支援 HTML5 音訊格式。 Located at the mid-stream of Dakeng River, Hengshan paddies are the most famous of their kind in Sanzhi. Just walk towards Hengshan from downtown Sanzhi and you shall find the idyllic fields soon. Leaning against mountains and facing an ocean, Sanzhi in the early days did not provide much flat land to sow. To expand farming scale, the early settlers built paddies upon the hills. The meandering layered paddies, as well as highways and rivers which go through them, represent an idyllic picture. Looking from afar, they even show geometric patterns. And observing from all angles, they look unique and pretty. Fun Facts Hengshan Terraces were cultivated for growing rice in the past, but the terraces were later divided for the establishment of farms for growing lucrative crops such as water bamboos and Chinese yams. Travel Info Add:Maochang Village and Hengshan Village, Sanzhi District, New Taipei City Opening Hours:24 hours Credit Card:No Traffic Info Keelung Bus: Tel: 0800-588-010、886-2- 2432-3185、886-2-2433-6111 Danshui Bus(Tamsui Bus): Tel: 0800-002-277、886-2- 2621-3340 Travel Map Nearby Scenic Spots Nearby Restaurants Nearby Accommodations Quick Map Search Itineraries Want to Know More Festival: Cherry Blossom Season, Sanzhi Sanzhi Water Bamboo Festival Last updated:2021-02-17 17:53