Jinbaoli Old Street My Recommendations 8 Photo 360VR Topic tag Must EatFamily TripsHistoric SitesTemples & RitesHot SpringsRomantic HangoutsTaiwan Tourist ShuttleAccessible Tours Audio Guide 你的瀏覽器不支援 HTML5 音訊格式。 Jinbaoli Old Street, also called Jinshan Old Street, is the only existing commercial street from the Qing Dynasty on the northern coast. Buildings of traditional style can still be seen here. The old houses near Cihu Temple are joined residences, with columns and roofs combining the architectural features of Southern Fujian and Western buildings. There are also “Dieng-a-kah” buildings, long and narrow, still standing intact. The only old-fashioned rice shop, with its hundred-year-old board front and large wooden rice containers, as well as an old set of scales, tells the story of the early development of this street. There is also a traditional Chinese herbal medicine shop next to the rice store, with antique furniture and medicine jars dating back to Qing Dynasty and still in use. They represent the century-long prosperity of this area. Today, the street is still the most important commercial area on the northern coast, with a lot more flavors of tourist attractions and local specialties such as yam cakes, baked yam, and the renowned duck meat. The street is always crowded on holidays. Fun Facts Why is the famous “duck meat” of the Jinbaoli Old Street so tasty that people always come back for more? This is because every duck has to be kept till 130 days old before they are killed. This makes their meat mature, sweet and chewy. Travel Info Add:Jinbaoli St., Jinshan District, New Taipei City Opening Hours:24 hours Credit Card:No Traffic Info Kuo Kuang Bus:Tel:0800-010-138、886-2-2383-2783 Royal Bus:Tel:0800-551-687、886-2-8295-7022 Keelung Bus:Tel: 0800-588-010、886-2- 2432-3185、886-2-2433-6111 Danshui Bus(Tamsui Bus):Tel: 0800-002-277、886-2- 2621-3340 Travel Map Nearby Scenic Spots Nearby Restaurants Nearby Accommodations Quick Map Search Itineraries Want to Know More Festival: Jinshan-Wanli Hot Spring FestivalJinshan Sweet Potato FestivalJinshan Sulfuric Fire Fishing Culture Exhibition Last updated:2021-03-08 10:40